Nurse gave the placenta to my Dad, wrapped in a light blue hospital paper. He went back and left me and Mum in hospital to take a rest. At that time just nearly Subuh time. Daddy can't event take a sleep coz he's too excited and two because after Subuh, people starts called him and asked about my Mum & my conditions.
Well, Daddy said he's better clean the placenta as soon as possible since he can't sleep. He took the placenta's picture because some of his friend who delivered a baby said that they never have a chance to have a look of their placenta. Coz normally their hubby will clean and dispose it. My dad took the placenta so my Mum can see it later.
This is the back side of the placenta where it was attached to my Mum's stomach. It is dark full of blood vessel to transport oxygen and food to me. I was supposed due 5 days before. My Mum said the placenta will be getting ineffecient if it is over the due date. So it wouldn't effectively transport the required oxygen and nutrient to the baby. It mean a bit risky to bare a baby longer than the due date expected by doctors. But there are still about 10 days after due date that normally given by doctor before they force the baby to come out using medication.
This is the front view of the placenta. You can see the umbilical cord that attach to my belly button. This is where the doctor took my cord blood and stem cell. My dad tried to clean it a few time but still got a lot of blood. Well, it is full of blood vessel what, you never clean it till white.
The ritual begin with my Untie preparing a piece of white cloth to wrap the placenta.
Next my Tok Papa prepared an onion, sallots, salt and sugar. You can see budu (fermanted fish) next to it right. It was not in the list ok. Thehehe .. heheh (baby laugh)
Next my dad get turmeric and 'lengkuas' a type of ginger family.
My dad get the 'lengkuas'. My granpa plant this at the back of his house.
My uncle clean it up. Look at him bald and dark skin. He just joined Navy Academy under MCIS programme.
When everything were prepared. Then it's ready in the copping board.
Then everything will be put on the white cloth. If you notice there were a nail, paper and pencil. I don't know the rational behind it. But I just believed it just a tradition and nothing to do with Islam.
When it's all done, then my granpa put in the hole which he dig at the back of his house. He read some Quran versus and pray.
Then, he fill the hole with soil.
My Dad just help my granpa in the final stage, put a vase on top of the site.
When all done. My dad throw away all the mess. (This picture was sent to Ministry of Health for "Kebersihan Amalan Kita" competition). Thehehe .. (baby laugh).
Amer Hafiz (C) 2005